When to Repair Your HVAC System

When to Repair Your HVAC System? Top Signs and Symptoms

According to the reports of the United States Department of Energy, 48% of the energy consumption of a home is accountable for HVAC systems. 

Therefore, getting the right system for your home, office, institute, or building is critical, as an ill-suited type will make your average electricity bill skyrocket.

So, before getting into the signs when to repair your HVAC system, let’s review the types of HVAC systems so you can deeply understand their insights.

Types of HVAC Systems for Domestic and Commercial Sectors

When to Repair Your HVAC System

Packaged HVAC System

  • It is best for small projects as its compact components are enclosed in a metal box. So it doesn’t take up a lot of space.
  • It is usually placed on the roofs of the building or outside the building, but interior placement is also an option.
  • It is suitable for usage in areas with cold atmospheres as its heating power is not as effective as other HVAC options.
  • Packaged HVAC systems are pretty budget-friendly, and their installation, repair, and maintenance costs are comparatively low.

 Split HVAC System:

  • Split systems are best if your buildings have multiple stories and you want a separate HVAC system for each floor.
  • They are suitable for buildings with large spaces as they are divided into significant outdoor components, called compressors, and moderately-sized indoor components, collectively called furnaces.
  • Also, their extensive heating system has separate fans and other components placed in the basements and storage areas.
  • They are quite customizable due to the division into two or three components, so you can place them according to your needs.

Hybrid HVAC System 

  • They are used on projects that are more elaborate and huge than the ones of split HVAC categories, like offices.
  • They require high budgets as they are pretty expensive, and their installation, repair, and maintenance costs are high.
  • With access to electricity and gas simultaneously, they are a viable option as their power bills are much lower than other HVAC systems.
  • They are suitable for areas with cold environments. However, they are not an ineffective option for warm areas, but the electricity and gas consumption would be high.

 Ductless HVAC System

  • They are the best option if your potential room is small, as they only take up a little space because they have separate outdoor and small indoor components that are also not very big.
  • They are incredibly customizable and have great designs for your room’s interior.
  • Their budgeting settings are moderate. Their installation, repair, and maintenance costs are neither high nor low.
  • They provide complete control over the heating and cooling of the environment separately through remote control.

Now, as you know the four types of HVAC systems available for domestic and commercial sectors and their budgeting, atmospheric, and usage insights, let’s jump to the signs and symptoms indicating an urgent need for HVAC maintenance.

So, without any further ado, let’s get started straight!

Signs Your HVAC System Needs a Repair

When to Repair Your HVAC System

Regular maintenance of the HVAC systems by a certified technician is critical for effective functionality and a prolonged life span of your systems. 

Some unmentionable HVAC maintenance strategies include regular cleaning of the air filters and removing obstructions from cooling coils.

However, a few signs and symptoms indicate an urgent call to the HVAC technician.

Yes, we are talking about the alarming situations in which your HVAC system can stop, start malfunctioning, or can result in severe irreparable or expensive damage and how you can spot one.

So, here we have enlisted a few of them. Let’s have a quick review of them!

Your Power Bills are Skyrocketing 

If your electricity or gas power bills are increasing every month without any increased usage, this could indicate that your system is overworking and consuming more energy than usual.

And the reasons behind this are several. It could be your damaged fans, a faulty thermostat, obstructions in coils, or less refrigerant amount.

Presence of Dust and Contamination in Air

One prominent function of the HVAC system is ventilation by moving it through the air filters and removing dust, germs, contamination, and all other foreign particles from the air. It also adds fresh air to the room through outdoor components and coils.

However, if you feel a dusty environment, a thorough check of the air filters and furnace fans is crucial as they might be damaged or have a lot of dust and contamination traps on the filters. 

Inconsistent Temperature

If your HVAC system can’t maintain a consistent temperature n the room or cannot reach the limits set by your remote, this may be a sign of a damaged or faulty thermostat.

This condition can lead your HVAC system to over-working or underworking, and you may end up with high power bills, burned motor, damaged fans or other HVAC components, or sudden shutting down of the system.

Unusual Burning Smell and Odd Continuous Sound

If a strange or burning smell comes from your HVAC system, you need to immediately shut it down and call the HVAC technician for an HVAC maintenance schedule.

This may be due to burning the motor, wires, fans, or any other damage. Similarly, if a continuous odd sound comes from the system, it might indicate a damaged component inside your system.

Refrigerant or Water Leakage

 HVAC systems work on liquid refrigerants, which can leak from the coils, pipes, or through the indoor component of the system.

So, if you suspect any liquid leakage through the system, turn it off and call the technician, as it indicates damaged or improper functionality of the cooling system and can lead to permanent damage to the system.

Final Thoughts

An HVAC is similarly not an industry of ease. Although it is designed to provide great comfort to humankind, its maintenance, installation, repair, and other aspects are complex.

However, with the proper care, handling, and keeping a sharp eye on its functionality, you cannot only boost its efficiency but also prolong its life span and save money on expensive repairs and replacements.

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